Gailey Family - A very detailed look at the J.W. Gailey family.
JED Tuder Obit From Prosperity Church - Obitiuary from original church records.


Near Complete Listing of Graves
Photos from the 2007 Work Day + Headstones
Photos from the 2006 Work Day


The inhabitants of the Gourdneck community had stong ties with area towns, once those towns were established. The Tuders actually relocation to Eastland County actually predates most towns in the area.

Thurber, Texas - Famously known for its coal and brick production. It was a company owned town that was very modern for its location. Thurber was founded in 1888 and became the largest city between Ft. Worth and El Paso during its highest point. When oil was discovered in nearby Ranger the town and its coal were deserted.

Gordon, Texas - Gordon's roots predate area towns as it was founded in 1864 as Hampton, just north of the present town site. In 1880 a railroad moved through the area. Hampton, and nearby Coalville, moved their businesses south a quarter mile to feed of this new mode of transportation and renamed the town Gordon, after the first engineer to take a train through the town. As train activity increased, Gordon's commerce increased. Gordon was a major shipping point for the area for cattle and cotton during the turn of the century.

Strawn, Texas - The town of Strawn began developing after the rail road had moved through the country. The tiny settlements of Russel's Pocket and Davidsonville pulled up stakes and settled along the tracks to for present day Strawn. The town name came from an early settler, Stephen B. Strawn. Like Thurber, Strawn started off life as a coal mining town.

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